miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Possible test questions Preevaluation Test

1. Investigate the Revolt of the Comuneros. What were the causes? 

2. Who were Carlos V´s grandparents?

3. Who did Carlos V fight the Battles of Pavia and Mühlberg against?; Who won?

4. When did Carlos V abdicate? Who did he leave his possessions to?

5. How did Felipe II strengthen his authority within the empire?

6. Which countries did Felipe II fight against in support of Catholicism?

7. Which of Felipe II´s international policies were succesful?Which ones were failures?

8. Why did the state sometimes go bankrupt?

9. What happened with the  Invincible Armada in 1588? Imagine the differents reactions of a Spaniard and an Englishman to the events in 1588.

2 comentarios:

  1. hola Elena soy Jordán Conejero Moyano de segundo de 2º-C E.S.O y mi nombre del blogg es jordanconejeromoyano.blogspot.com.

    Y este es el enlace del trabajo realizado "arte islámico":

